Little Upton

We were hired to redesign and submit plans for six new homes in the village of Upton Cross in east Cornwall. The scheme’s a scaled back version of a 2015 proposal for 14 new homes, designed by a different architecture practice, which was rejected by county planners and dismissed on appeal.

Upton Cross sits within an Area of Great Landscape Value, and the proposed development is adjacent to a Grade II listed farmhouse. We designed a modest development of six new homes in a traditional farmstead arrangement, to be built from quality, locally-sourced materials.

It will comprise three two-bedroomed affordable properties, as well as two four-bedroomed and one five-bedroomed property. The layout of the proposal has evolved during the design process, benefiting from extensive input from our landscape architect to ensure previous reasons for refusal were overcome.

The design has been carefully considered, avoiding a formulaic estate layout, and opting instead for varying building sizes to replicate barns.