Landscape Services

Site analysis, Feasibility & Appraisal Studies

This is the initial, strategic stage of every project.

Site Analysis, Feasibility and Appraisal Studies involve the analysis of the area to determine the best development layout for the site, balancing both the desired development use and function and the merits of the site and the landscape setting.

In other words, this means getting under the skin of the place and working closely with its potential, issues, and the clients’ aspirations to provide as much information as possible, going forward into the design stage. In short, this is presented as a Constraints and Opportunities Plan, which outline those aspects of the site which would be either fixed barriers to development or obstacles which could potentially be overcome if required and those aspects of the site where development would be unconstrained by existing features. Such constraints can be diverse, e.g., utilities crossing the site, root protection areas for boundary trees, ecological feature like badger setts, overlooking residential properties or within the setting of a heritage feature like a listed building or being located within a sensitive designated landscape such as an Area of Outstanding natural Beauty, to list a few. However, not all are insurmountable and may inform the design for the development rather than preclude development.

Our landscape team will gather all information from the site assessment and data search to create the Constraints and Opportunities Plan and the information provided by this study helps to understand what steps need to be undertaken and developed further in the design process to achieve your goals.

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